Tag Archives: reviews
Two new dead kid reviews!
On her book blog, Words That Fly, K. Quinlan very kindly reviewed The Dead Kid Detective Agency, alongside Marissa Meyer’s certified mega-hit Cinder, in one of her ‘Double Whammy’ reviews (and I’m very proud to say my book received the same star rating): ‘Sounds interesting right? I thought so too. October’s a really interesting character, [...]
Dead Kid Reviews: Two Outta’ Three Ain’t Bad
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time to recap some recent reviews for The Dead Kid Detective Agency! Luckily, this week, two-thirds of the reviewers liked what they read. And you know what Meat Loaf always says about that. (Fun fact: Meat Loaf appears in the glossary of the book.) First, we have this nice write-up [...]
‘Rollicking Good Fun’
Growing up, I used to see a commercial for a musical (Guys and Dolls, maybe?) that deemed the production a ‘rolling, rollicking juggernaut of joy.’ This recent review of The Dead Kid Detective Agency in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record from Susan Fish is almost as good as that: ‘Let’s hope this book is the start of [...]
More horn-tooting
I’ve been a bit absent from the blog lately, which is too bad, as there are many things I’d like to talk about. Namely, some of the great movies I saw the Toronto International Film Festival last week. But all that will have to wait, as I’ve been lucky enough to get two really sweet [...]