Category Archives: Torontoist
Jen Agg portrait at Torontoist
Yesterday, I did my first-ever illustration for one of my favourite news sites, Torontoist, which I’ve been following for years and years. They asked me to draw a portrait of restaurateur Jen Agg (The Black Hoof, Rhum Corner), who has organized a conference tonight, Kitchen Bitches, that aims to tackle sexism in the restaurant industry. [...]
Also posted in pencils
Tagged black hoof, jen agg, kitchen bitches, misogyny, restaurants, sexism, torontoist
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The first review for Quarter-Life Crisis is in, and it’s a good one! My favourite Toronto newsblog, Torontoist, did a story on the book. Writer Stephen Michalowicz gave it a nice review (in a fantastically titled article, ‘Worst Quarter-Life Crisis Ever’), and included some big images from the book. He also brought up some good [...]
Also posted in Quarter-Life Crisis, reviews
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