Category Archives: Dial M for Morna
Loyalist To A Fault reviewed at the National Post
The National Post – and more accurately, the whip-smart children’s book reviewer, Anna Fitzpatrick – reviewed the third Dead Kid Detetctive Agency book, Loyalist To A Fault, on October 13, but it only appeared online on the National Post site last week. It’s a really nice review, which is high praise because I really feel [...]
Talking Dead Kids and Dance Movies at My Summer Lair
The other week, I had the pleasure of meeting with my old friend Sammy Younan, a friend from my days when I tabled frequently at Toronto comic conventions. He’s got an interview radio show named My Summer Lair on Girth Radio, during which we discussed comic books, my Dead Kid Detective Agency book series, and [...]
Sept. 22 - Evan visits Ottawa’s ChiSeries
This Tuesday, September 22, I’ll be in Ottawa to read at the city’s ChiSeries, ChiZine’s monthly reading series bringing you the best voices in horror, fantasy and science fiction in several different Canadian cities. I’ll be reading alongside authors Yves Meynard (Chrysanthe) and Linda Poitevin (the Grigori Legacy series) at Maxwell’s (340 Elgin Street). So please [...]