Monthly Archives: February 2015
They Shoot Mundays, Don’t They?
Friends, Friends: I’ve found a charity marathon I can actually complete! Ever since I learned one fateful high school dance that I didn’t have to just stand along the wall, I’ve wanted to compete in a dance-a-thon. And now, I can do it for a good cause! I have decided to join a friend’s dance-a-thon team [...]
Code Meet Print Quiz Night
If you are involved with the world of Canadian books – and ebooks (electronic books, for the uninitiated) in particular – you may want to know about Code Meed Print TO’s latest meet-up. Following the ebookcraft conference on Wednesday, March 11, they’ll be hosting a pub quiz at the Pilot’s Stealth Lounge (22 Cumberland Street), in which [...]
Follow Kung Fu February!
If you even slightly enjoyed my marathon October Horror Movie Watch, you might want to follow Kung Fu February. A good friend of mine, Charmaine (we go back to Centennial College), has taken it upon herself to watch 28 martial arts movies – classics of the genre, modern takes on the form, trash masterpieces – [...]