Monthly Archives: November 2014
I’m joining Humber College’s Creative Book Publishing Program!
It’s been made official. I’m joining the faculty of Humber College’s Creative Book Publishing Program in 2015. Overseen by new executive director Alison Maclean, Humber’s Creative Book Publishing Program is an intensive summer-long course in all aspects of book publishing, including editorial, marketing, literary agenting/rights management, technology, and more. I’ll be teaching the Marketing Overview course, [...]
Horror Movie Watch: Post-Mortem
What a wild ride that was, friends. While I truly had fun watching and writing about thirty-one different horror movies, I’m relieved it’s over. I am in more of a dark place now – and that’s only partially a joke. My humour has become a bit darker since starting this project, and I talk about [...]
Horror Movie Watch: Slumber Party Massacre 2
This October, I attempted ill-advised viewing of (at least) thirty-one horror movies. I tried to watch one movie a day, after which I wrote some things about said movies on this website. I didn’t quite make it in time, but here it is: my thirty-first horror movie review of the month(ish). Be forewarned that all [...]
Horror Movie Watch: The Burning
This October, I’m attempting an ill-advised viewing of (at least) thirty-one horror movies. I’ll watch (on average) one movie a day, after which I’ll write some things about said movies on this website. Be forewarned that all such write-ups will contain spoilers! Today’s film is early ’80s slasher gem The Burning (1981), directed by Tony [...]