Monthly Archives: January 2012
Illustrations of DOOM, Part Deux
Illustration work continues on Natalie Zina Walschots’s excellent and hotly anticipated poetry collection, DOOM: Love Poems for Supervillains. (It can’t ALL be Playboy interviews.) Here are some sketches of section pages, followed by more polished illustrations along the same lines. As you can see, I bumped up the kink a bit.
First are the sketches for [...]
Two new dead kid reviews!
On her book blog, Words That Fly, K. Quinlan very kindly reviewed The Dead Kid Detective Agency, alongside Marissa Meyer’s certified mega-hit Cinder, in one of her ‘Double Whammy’ reviews (and I’m very proud to say my book received the same star rating):
‘Sounds interesting right? I thought so too. October’s a really interesting character, [...]
Interviewed by Playboy (no joke)
2012 is off to a great start, as it began with me being interviewed by Playboy – or, more accurately, Playboy’s safe-for-work site, The Smoking Jacket. Reporter Melissa Bull asked me a few questions about illustrating Natalie Zina Walschots’s DOOM: Love Poems for Supervillains and what it’s like to draw Galactus with no clothes on. [...]