Disappointing in almost every way for almost every reader!

You're invited!

So, it’s the night before the big book launch, and though I’m a book publicist, I still feel really, really awful before every book event. Sick to my stomach, filled with dread, etc. Since this is a launch for my own book, that horrible anxiety seems to be multiplied by three thousand. But it’s fine. Everything will be fine.

If you can make it out to No One Writes to the Colonel (460 College Street) tomorrow night, you’ll be introduced to thirteen-year-old October Schwartz, friend to five dead teenagers, solver of the town of Sticksville’s most confounding conundrums. Erin Balser (CBC Books web-person) will ask me some devastating questions, I might read a little (very little), and you can ask some questions, too. The fine staff at Type will sell copies of the book, we’ll have a few drinks and listen to my dead-themed music mix. I can almost guarantee it will be fun.

The Dead Kid Detective Agency Book Launch
Thursday, September 29, 2011
No One Writes to the Colonel, 460 College Street
Toronto, ON
7 PM

And just to keep me humble, I got my first, truly awful review! Click the link to see my book get torn apart by the folks at CM Magazine. The Dead Kid Detective Agency gets a zero out of four stars (or maybe an asterisk), which is quite a feat. Quoth the review, ‘the book is so poorly executed as to be almost unreadable.

‘Take all of these inaccuracies and inanities and wrap them up in a rambling, infuriating, smart-aleck narrative that alternates between first and third person for no apparent reason, and you have a book that is disappointing in almost every way for almost every reader.’

I think I found a blurb for the next book. So join me at the launch! And make sure you pick up a book … um … yeah.

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