Monthly Archives: August 2011
FanExpo 2011 Debriefing
FanExpo Canada has come and gone for another year, and I write this blog post the following Monday, still exhausted from the circulated air and visual overstimulation. This year’s FanExpo, despite being one additional tiring day longer, was really excellent. Despite not having the new book of Quarter-Life Crisis done in time for the show, [...]
FanExpo 2011 has begun!
Yes, friends, I write this to you mid-FanExpo, when I should be resting up for Saturday. So far, so good. I’ve seen a variety of amazing costumes, and have convinced many unsuspecting people to buy calendars of supervillain erotica. My fellow illustrators in SketchKrieg! and I are keeping it locked down near the Real Steel [...]
My Spooky YA Playlist on Dani Couture’s blog
Dani Couture is the talented poet/author behind such works as Good Meat, Sweet and the forthcoming novel Algoma. She’s also one of the most pleasant people you’ll ever meet, and she’s started a really fun column on her blog, Black Bear on Water: author playlists!
I’ll let Ms. Couture explain:
When working on a project, I often [...]
First review of The Dead Kid Detective Agency!
Exciting news: my juvenile novel, The Dead Kid Detective Agency, received its first review: an advance blog review from Richard at Bound & Determined To Find a Good Read, based on the advance reading copies. And he liked it! He really liked it!
He’s got some valid criticisms, but to paraphrase Meatloaf, four out of five [...]