Monthly Archives: February 2011
Buffy rewatched. Air band performed.
Just a quick note to say that my first contribution to Nikki Stafford‘s brilliant project, ‘The Great Buffy Rewatch,’ has been posted on her blog. I was charged with rewatching three episodes from Season 2: ‘What’s My Line 1 & 2′ and ‘Ted’ (starring the late, great John Ritter).
My blog post took the form of [...]
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Tagged blog, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, television, The Great Buffy Rewatch, Whedon
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Flattery will get you everywhere
Sorry, friends. I’ve been battling a terrible illness that has been keeping me both in bed and face-down in a toilet for much of the week. My paranoid side blames a dead owl a coworker brought into the office last week, but it was probably just a flu that’s going around. As a result, I [...]
Posted in Best of 2010, comics, Dead Kid Detective Agency, Quarter-Life Crisis, reviews, video
Tagged Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
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