Monthly Archives: May 2009
Living on Video
A video made by Vepo Studios and Open Book Toronto about the Toronto Comic Arts Festival. They interviewed me (for some reason), alongside Bryan Lee O’Malley, the Tamaki cousins, Chris Butcher and others.
TCAF wrapped up a bit earlier today, and the SketchKrieg! gang and I had a lot of fun. What a great festival. Great guests, great attendees. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I’m running on empty after a weekend full of comic stuff, but I thought I should give a quick rundown of some of the [...]
I’m at TCAF (The Toronto Comic Arts Festival) all weekend long. May 9 and 10. It’s at the Toronto Reference Library (789 Yonge Street). Should be lots of fun.
Postcards from the Edge
Since I failed so hard to get the actual book done in time for TCAF, I decided to make a postcard. It’s like 1/120th of the book:
Though I fear I may have made it too hasty. I hope it looks all right.