Natalie Zina Walschots’s killer sophomore poetry collection, DOOM: Love Poems for Supervillains, is apparently off to press. So in just a few short months, finished copies can be purchased in bookstores across North America (and online, too).
In the meantime, you can look at a couple of the final versions of the section headings. First up, ‘Bondage’:
I’m pretty happy with how ‘Bondage’ turned out. The title may not be the easiest thing in the world to read, but I think it works. The illustration also resulted in my browser history being filled with rope bondage pictures. Like, moreso than usual.
‘Girl Fight’ also looks really nice in the final version. It almost makes me cringe … or makes my teeth hurt. Which means it’s working, I think.
And which of these fetching helmets will appear on the cover of DOOM?
Only time will tell. And if you’re looking for more NZW goodness before the book drops, be sure to check out her excellent new ‘Girls Don’t Like Metal‘ column.